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Security – Privacy First!

Exclusive Access
Industry Leading Privacy

Discover Our Secure Experience

Our Secure Experience - Solutions to enhance your privacy.

VPN • A Dedicated IP VPN - To ensure your internet traffic with us or elsewhere stays faceless.

Our VPN is built on our own Data-Center, with security we put in place ourselves to prevent many-sided attacks to your data privacy. We generate the VPN certificates for you and you receive renewed VPNs monthly. No one else ever shares your IP address, and your tunnel is entirely private. The best part is, you can dedicate your trust in QueenOfCannabis, with an IP address used exclusively for our offerings. No third party services intervene, and your information never touches another person’s or entities hands.

Used in Anonymity Networks and Intelligence Alike

XMPP • A Secure Communications System IM - Server Setup

Used in Anonymity Networks and Intelligence Alike, our our XMPP Setup is SRV routed with Cloudflare and also Operates Exclusively on Tor. You can register your own users to a cloudflare protected domain, through our tunnel reverse proxy to Tor. Your users can send and be reached exclusively at our onion address, or if you prefer you can have a fully featured and operational [email protected]. Using industry leading standards, all Message are OMEMO encrypted, and cannot be reach by anyone. And if that wasn’t enough, it works on all mobile devices and operating systems. In lay-man’s terms, this is one of the most secure and flexible messaging solutions out there!

Do You Love Our Website?

Website Design • Have A Web Platform Like Ours - Securely Engineered Top-To-Bottom

Our Premier Service includes exclusives such as:

  • Full Stack Engineering
  • Cloudflare/Tor/Dns
  • E-mail/XMPP Routing
  • Social Engineering
  • Advanced Design/Performance

And our VPN/XMPP is Included! –  By Default.

 “Never do Half  The  Mile – It is only when we finish the race
that Our Success holds its Value.

Finish The Mile.
And then finish it again.

This is success, and to continue to do so,
is the empowerment… of yourself.”

  • Exclusively Offered by QueenOfCannabis - No Third Parties


Suitable for Intelligence
$50/ MO
  • Tor Routed and Cloudflare DNS
  • Delivers to Any Device/Desktop
  • Connect With Any Server
  • Intelligence-Level Privacy
Sign Up!


Suitable for Everyday Use
$20/ MO
  • Dedicated IP
  • Secured Tunnel
  • Monthly Certificate Renewal
  • QoC Data-Center
  • No Third Party
Order Now!

Website Design

Suitable for Secure Enterprise
$100/ MO
  • Free Products
  • 10% Site-Wide Discount
  • VPN/Tor E-mail
  • Exclusive Ordering
  • Underground Access
Let Us Help!

On Demand Delivery

Contact us at
1 (707)-702-1942

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri : 10am – 7pm
Sat-Sun: 12pm – 9pm

Private Events

For special events,please
contact us via email